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Exposición Tirant Lo Blanc. Una narración pictórica del mejor libro del mundo

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Joan Bennàssar

During the decade of the 1970s, the work of Joan Bennàssar (Pollença, 1950) was influenced by informalism. In the 80s, he returned to figuration with an expressionist flavour in which the influence of his 1985 sojourn in Mexico was seen, centring on things and objects in his environment. Since that time, Bennàssar has alternated the presence and the absence of the human figure in his paintings and engravings. A member of the Real Academia de Bellas Artes de Sant Sebastià (Mallorca) since 1999, he has lived and worked in Pollença. His work is frequently shown in large contemporary art exhibitions, outstanding among which are his repeated participations at the ARCO Fair. He has exhibited in Germany, Switzerland, France, The United Kingdom, Costa Rica and Japan, among other locations. His sculptures are notably present in public urban spaces, especially in his native Mallorca.


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