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Exposición Tirant Lo Blanc. Una narración pictórica del mejor libro del mundo

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Pablo Palazuelo

Carlos Pazos (Barcelona, 1949) is clearly one of the referents of contemporary Spanish artistic creation. During the decade of the 1970s Pazos was part of the Catalan conceptual movement, centring his work on the investigation of the body, doing installations and performances. Works emerged such as the photographic series Voy a hacer de mí una estrella (I’m going to make myself a star), where he created a self-portrait as a Hollywood star, an élite athlete, or a successful musician. In the 80s he created his most characteristic compositions, using texts, drawings, and objects from different sources. Pazos’ work drinks deeply from the spring of the ready-made, from Pop Art, and from the Surrealist tradition. It also combines the poetics of the object with the aesthetics of Kitsch, establishing visual games of an intelligent, provocative nature. He has exhibited his art in many galleries and institutions, such as the Centre Georges Pompidou (1978) and the Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Barcelona (2007). In 2004, he won the Premio Nacional de Artes Plásticas.

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