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Humberto Rivas

The photographer Humberto Rivas (Buenos Aires, 1937) studied fine arts at the Escuela de Bellas Artes de Buenos Aires. In 1955 he began to develop his career as a photographer parallel to his activity as a painter, and in 1960 he was appointed photographer for the Instituto Torcuato di Tella, which he carried out until it closed in 1970. Although his paintings were exhibited in important galleries, like the Lirolay, he decided to abandon painting in 1969 to dedicate himself exclusively to photography. He moved to Barcelona in 1976 and works as a photography teacher in the IDEP, Forum and Mito schools, as well as in the University of Salamanca, the University of Cantabria and other institutions. Humberto Rivas has shown his photographs in museums and galleries in Spain and abroad. It is worth mentioning the exhibitions held at the Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Sevilla, the Musée des Beaux Arts de Montreal, the IVAM Centro Julio González de Valencia and the Palau de la Virreina de Barcelona. He has also been the subject of monographic titles, such as Humberto Rivas 1978-1990 (Barcelona, Lunwerg Editores, 1999) or the catalogue Humberto Rivas. Fotografías from the Centro Galego de Arte Contemporáneo, 1999. Rivas enjoys great international renown and has obtained the Premio Nacional de Fotografía and the Premio de Artes Plásticas Ciutat de Barcelona, both in 1997.

Artworks by Humberto Rivas:

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