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Exposición Tirant Lo Blanc. Una narración pictórica del mejor libro del mundo

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Click on the image for a more detailed view.


Josep Pla-Narbona

Imatge esdrúixola, 1985

Etching in 1 color

Image format: 23,5 x 29,5 cm

Paper: Super Alfa 38 x 41,5 cm

Edition of 25 numbered and signed works

Order number: 4374

Normal price: 255,00 €
Special price for memberships:
Quote A: 242,25 € ( save 5% )
Quote B: 229,50 € ( save 10% )
Quote C: 204,00 € ( save 20% )
All prices include taxes

About this work:

The plate of Imatge esdrúixola (Accented Image) shows the artist's consummate domination of etching technique and the rich artistic imagination. Against the background of a theatre set, two fantasy figures seem to be performing the pantomime of a supernatural conversation.

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