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Exposición Tirant Lo Blanc. Una narración pictórica del mejor libro del mundo

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Chema Alvargonzález

Zona de tránsito II, 2000

Photograph in 3 colors

Image format: 75 x 50 cm

Paper: C-Print R3 Colour 75 x 50 cm

Edition of 15 numbered and signed works

Order number: 7872

Normal price: 1.120,00 €
Special price for memberships:
Quote A: 1.064,00 € ( save 5% )
Quote B: 1.008,00 € ( save 10% )
Quote C: 896,00 € ( save 20% )
All prices include taxes

About this work:

The photographs Zona de tránsito (Transit Zone) were taken at an airport, one of those public places which are repeated in the metropolises all over the world, and which lack a concrete identity. They are a metaphor for the transitory state of the individual and of the journey in search of an identity.

Other Artworks by Alvargonzález:

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