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Exposición Tirant Lo Blanc. Una narración pictórica del mejor libro del mundo

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Günter Grass

Considered to be one of the most important writers of the German language, always aware of the social problems of his country, and winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature, for many years, Günter Grass has also cultivated another form of expression, whose medium is the image rather than the word. Taking up and bringing new life to the most noble tradition of European engraving, and heir to Dürer himself, he creates intensely poetic drawings, which at the same time display huge descriptive accuracy. Grass's engravings are surprising because they exhibit the double nature normally associated with dreams: he creates easily perceptible images which avoid everyday rationality. For this German writer, it is difficult to separate the two sides of his creativity. Literature and the image both express the same sensibility and the same desire to communicate with the world.

Artworks by Günter Grass:

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