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Exposición Tirant Lo Blanc. Una narración pictórica del mejor libro del mundo

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Rafael Alberti

Il Lirismo dell ' Alfabeto. Letra J, 1972


Image format: 65 x 50 cm

Paper: Velin Arches 65 x 50 cm

Order number: 8573

Normal price: 690,00 €
Special price for memberships:
Quote A: 655,50 € ( save 5% )
Quote B: 621,00 € ( save 10% )
Quote C: 552,00 € ( save 20% )
All prices include taxes

About this work:

Rafael Alberti relates in his autobiography La arboleda perdida how he has, since childhood, always been attracted to the letters of the alphabet, &#171not to its sound or meaning, but to its graph, the visual representation of the letters that make up a word&#187. In 1975, during his exhile in Rome, he created the portfolio Il lirismo dell'Alfabeto, a homage to the alphabet, of 50 plates created with the most diverse techniques. To each letter he dedicated a black and white and a colour print, both signed and numbered by him. The colour version is done with the techiques of lithography, silkscreen, xilography or etching. The black and white version is always a silkscreen.

The complete portfolio of Il lirismo dell'Alfabeto contains, besides of the 50 plates (25 in colour and 25 in black and white), a colour plate with the poem &#171Il lirismo dell'Alfabeto&#187. It also includes a detailed sheet about the edition and the techniques used. The case is lined with Iris cloth and measures 65 x 50 cm.


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